Dousing the Flames: Addressing & Preventing Burnout

In today's fast-paced world, burnout levels are rising and it has become a pervasive issue affecting individuals across all professions and walks of life. This workshop will explore the nature of the problem through a review of recent research. We will discuss the causes of burnout and explore ways to address burnout, with a lens to develop upstream strategies to prevent it. Finally, we'll discuss what to do if we are the ones experiencing burnout.
Learning Outcomes
  • Define burnout and identify its core characteristics.
  • Describe the primary causes of burnout and identify which ones are a factor in your organization.
  • Describe strategies to address and prevent burnout.
  • Identify personal and organizational actions to take to address and prevent burnout.
  • Recognize signs of burnout in yourself and identify actions you can take to support yourself when experiencing burnout.

Booking Enquiry


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YMCA WorkWell Team


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