It's Important To Know You Don't Know Everything

This blog is part of a series I am writing about different leadership styles that lend themselves well to leading for well-being. They’re just as good as this one. I suggest you read them here

When I was a teenager, my parents, as parents do, would try to impart their wisdom on me. Why doing my homework was important. Why I should be kind to others even if it wasn’t the cool thing to do. I, as teenagers do, would be very dismissive. My response, a simple, steady, angsty “I know”, as if what they were telling me was the most rudimentary thing in the world. The reality was I didn’t know, but I was too stubborn and too proud to say that. 

Fast forward many years, and one of the biggest learning outcomes I’ve had as a leader is that I do not have all the answers. This is what is known as Humble Leadership, and it has a profound impact on the well-being of those I work with. It prevents burnout, empowers your people, and leads to a greater sense of accountability. 

You can lead humbly when you understand that you are not the central repository of knowledge, skills, and abilities within your team. Instead, they are shared amongst all members of your team, and it is your job to let them shine!  

Humble leadership also means that you understand that you cannot be everything to everyone. This is the hardest part. As leaders and people, we are fixers. If a problem comes our way, we need to solve it. Taking a step back and understanding that you cannot fix everything will help preserve your battery and prevent you from burning out. Let’s talk about some other ways we can lead humbly. 

1.Provide Autonomy  

People often mistake providing autonomy (sharing leadership with others) with delegating (please do this). The key question to ask yourself when providing autonomy over a task or process to someone is How will this help them? Is there something someone can take the lead on, and grow as an employee and a person? Does someone have a fresh perspective or expertise they can show off that may help move something forward? Would a member of your team benefit from expanding their network? These are areas where you can provide autonomy and share your leadership with others. 

2.Admit Mistakes, and… 

 Think to yourself, how many mistakes have you made in the past week? Even though we’re leaders, we make mistakes all the time. You may also get stuck during a project, have a worry that something might not go as planned, or realize you need to pivot on something but are not quite sure how. Your employees also feel this way and make mistakes all the time, and that is also ok. Some of the best leaders I have worked for not only have openly talked about not having all the answers and making mistakes, but also what they intend to do about it. This solutions-oriented approach has been very motivating for me in times where I have felt feel stuck or stagnant in the work that I’m doing. It shows me, here is what someone I look up to is doing when they feel the same way that I do. Instead of being resigned to the negative, be the change agent for that negative! 

3.Be Curious 

If you don’t know the answer to something, find out the answer. There is nothing wrong with responding to an employee or careholder question with “I don’t know, but let me find out and get back to you.” I keep a parking lot of things I don’t know the answer to. Some would argue it isn’t long enough, but I digress. This list, however, is an excellent tool for me to outline what I need to do some digging on, and by when. This quest for knowledge is a great chance to work together and skill-build with your employees. Get comfortable saying “I don’t know either; let’s find out together!” 

In my other blog posts, I talk about a care-based approach, as well as leading with humility. If leading for well-being interests you and you would like to learn more, you are in luck. I would love to see you join us for our Leading for Well-being Leadership certification, starting in February. If you would like to learn more, don’t hesitate in reaching out to me. 



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Kyle Armstrong

Armed with a Master's degree in Leadership, Kyle’s focus is on building well-being competencies within organizational and team leaders. He is certified in facilitating The Working Mind workplace mental health training, Plan for Resilience, and Personality Dimensions. Outside of work Kyle is a culinary aficionado who believes in the power of a good meal to show love and appreciation. When he's not whipping up delicious dishes in the kitchen, you can find him soaking up the sunshine either in the garden or on the golf course!


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